HARD&SOFT Suceava 2024 |
THEME - Hard & Soft 1995 The minimal development system for one of the microcontrollers PCB 80C552, SAB 80535, I80C196, SAB8052, PIC16C84,
ST6265, 8748/49 and a test application.
1. The development system
The system will have the following features:
- the host computer will be an IBM-PC compatible;
- it has a RAM loaded through PC parallel interface by the microcontroller with a pre-loaded embeded in its PROM.
The development system functions will be accessible from the PC keyboard:
- program loading;
- command for running the programs;
- step by step execution of the programs loaded into the microcontroller RAM and breakpoints facility;
- when the program is stoped, the state of the microcontroller will be displayed;
- display and modification of registers and memory zone.
Note: The microcontroller's PROM will contain a simple pre-loader. The other software components of the development system will be loaded into the RAM.
2. Test application
The implementation on a microcontroller of a signal generator. The signals will be analogical and periodic, with their forms specified by a PC program.
This program will transmit the following information to the microcontroller:
- the sample period chosen by the user from a set established by the designer;
- the number of points;
The list of values for each point, describing a period signal continuously generated by the microcontroller, without a further connection to the PC.
The user may specify the forms and the parameters of the signal by:
- a value table, read from the keyboard or from a file (ASCII format, a value per line, in convertor unities);
- a trigonometrical or polynomial function, chosen by the user from a menu;
- a function graphically edited by the mouse.
JURY President John MILNER, City University, London
Members Jean Michel DUTHILLEUL, EUDIL, France
Daniel JOLLY, EUDIL, France Bernanrd TOURSEL, EUDIL, France Jose OLIVEIRA e SA, PORTO, Portugal Cecilia REIS, PORTO, Portugal Gheorghe PENTIUC, Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" SUCEAVA
Vasile GAITAN, Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" SUCEAVA Sergiu NEDEVSCHI, Universitatea Tehnica CLUJ-NAPOCA Janosi TIBOR, Universitatea Tehnica CLUJ-NAPOCA
Florin HOZA, Universitatea Tehnica IASI Stefan POLI, Universitatea Tehnica IASI Victor MORARU, Universitatea Tehnica CHISINAU, Moldova Ioan MARZOACA, Universitatea Tehnica TIMISOARA |
Place |
Team |
1st |
1nd |
3rd |
3th |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |