Suceava 2025

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The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava is organizing

The 30th International Computers
Contest for Students
HARD & SOFT Suceava 2025

scheduled from the 11 to the 18 of May 2025.

Hard&Soft is a contest for teams of senior students of Computer Hardware and Software Engineering (Computer Science), Electronics and Automatics who will work on an unseen task over a period of five days. Each team will have four members.

The contest task will focus on topical areas in Computer Engineering and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) that require a close link between hardware and software, it will require teams to demonstrate a broad spectrum of skills in these areas and a capability to design and implement a working system.

A full specification of the task will be given on the first day of the contest.

The task will require the use of specific components and techniques that must be included in each team's solution. Essential components, tools, PCs, programming environments and network/web access will be provided by the organizers. Teams can use their own laptops and other equipment during solution development.

Teams can bring with them or scavenge for additional hardware components to incorporate in their design but these must not substitute for the specified components.

Teams are allowed to use any public domain software during development of, or as part of, their solution.

The contest will primarily be judged at a demonstration to the Jury on the last day of the contest, assessment will also include design documentation, observation of work in progress and the presentation of work at a public demonstration or exhibition.

Teams are normally accompanied by Faculty member(s) as mentor and coach.

The costs for Accommodation & Meals for all contestant students will be covered by the organizers with the help of sponsors and research project funds.

Contestant Knowledge Requirements

The Hard&Soft contest has a focus on topics that require a close link between hardware and software in real world applications of computers and ICT. To be successful teams need to demonstrate a broad spectrum of ability by creating a well-engineered and imaginative solution that addresses all the requirements of the contest task.

Typical skills required are:

Embedded systems and software design
Sensors and actuators, signal conditioning, interfacing
Information and data handling and security, networking
Data connectivity techniques and standards (including wireless)
Low power/battery powered systems
UI/UX. User interface and user experience-based design
Web programming, App design. Use of design tools, libraries and other public domain software
Robust prototype electronic, electrical and mechanical construction
Presentation and documentation skills for expert and non-expert audience
Team working and project management



    Nicolae Bogdan FOICA - Cognizant Mobility GmbH, Munich


    Oliver FAUST - Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
    Contantin Teodor ARDEIU - Cognizant Mobility GmbH, Munich
    Denis ARDELJAN - Cognizant Mobility GmbH, Munich
    Ciprian Sorin TELETIN - Cognizant Mobility GmbH, Munich

Request for Confirmation

After your nomination as participant, please confirm your availability to join the contest until the 15th of April 2025, at the following email address: hs@eed.usv.ro


Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, ROMANIA
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
©2007-2023 hardandsoft.ro

With support from:

Primăria Municipiului Suceava/Consiliul Local - Suceava Town Hall/ Suceava City Council
